I was trying to install Documentum 6.0 SP1 default Web-Publisher as a J2EE application on Apache Tomcat 5.X.

The problem is that by default, Apache Tomcat 5.x implements and enables JSP Tag Pooling. And Documentum 6.0 SP1 web Pulisher doesn't support tag pooling.

I did the following steps to install Web Publisher (WP) on Apache Tomcat 5.0
BTW, you can get Tomcat's most versions (even not listed on downloads page) from the URL:

I installed 5.0.28 version from the URL:

I have my WP packaged as a WAR file (wp.war) and I just dumped it in the webapps directory, and restarted the server. Since the war file is quite big (~200 MB), uncompressing it takes good 10-15 mins on my system. After you stop seeing the hard-disk icon flashing, you need to navigate to http://localhost:8080/manager/html and make sure that wp appears as an application and it is started (if not, start it manually).

When you navigate to http://localhost:8080/wp/ you see an error page:

com.documentum.web.form.control.TagPoolingEnabledException: JSP tag pooling is not supported. Please refer to the product deployment guide for instructions on turning off tag pooling for the application server.

So how to disable JSP tag-pooling? The tomcat Wiki mentions how to do that, but for a beginner, things may not be so clear, so I took the pain of writing this post.

It worked for me after editing the file: $TOMCAT-HOME/conf/web.xml,
going to two servlet declarations: default and jsp
The file is uploaded here for convenience:

The portion in red shows what extra has been added and where! That should be enough.
Now, to be on the safer side, go to $TOMCAT-HOME/work/Catalina/localhost and delete the folder: "wp" and "_" and Re-start the server. Clear the browser cache (Ctrl+R should do in Firefox) and navigate to http://localhost:8080/wp/ and hurray! things should work for you!

At least it works for me!!!!

Feel free to get back to me in case you have any problems doing this!


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